Dialysis Patients Should Have the Choice to Dialyze at Home
One of the key factors in treatment satisfaction is patient choice. Those patients who are informed and actively involved in medical decisio
This Is Why I Do Dialysis At Home!
What happens in the Dialysis industry matters to our families who either depend on the treatment, or provide the care. And when we stop...
Experts May Be Wrong As New Assessments Adjust Best Weight Practices To Increase CKD Dialysis Patien
One of the biggest challenges that Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis patients face is weight management.
Harvard University Moving Closer To Kidney Repair & Regeneration To Eliminate Dialysis For CKD P
Many Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis patients are eager to see progress from groundbreaking research which could offer them the...
Dialysis PATIENTS Act Continues to Gain Momentum
Support for H.R. 4143/S. 2065 – The Dialysis PATIENTS Demonstration Act – continues to grow! It now has over 150 bipartisan supporters...